Tried to paint them with four-colour disruptive camo; happy enough with the results for a quick project. I should tidy up the bases before I post them next time. Set of nine includes a guy with a facehugger attached. Not so useful for me but I can use him as a casualty marker.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Colonial Marine Squad
QRF's Colonial Marines, nothing to do with the Alien series Marines. ;)
Tried to paint them with four-colour disruptive camo; happy enough with the results for a quick project. I should tidy up the bases before I post them next time. Set of nine includes a guy with a facehugger attached. Not so useful for me but I can use him as a casualty marker.
Tried to paint them with four-colour disruptive camo; happy enough with the results for a quick project. I should tidy up the bases before I post them next time. Set of nine includes a guy with a facehugger attached. Not so useful for me but I can use him as a casualty marker.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
New Israelis - GZG
Hey, Just posting up my New Israeli troops. Just finished the bases although they've been sitting around on the desk waiting for enough troops to need basing to make the effort worthwhile. Hate mixing up the base mix and then have left overs! There's another dozen or so troopers without bases yet- I need to order some more at the end of the month :) The tank is a random one I grabbed from ebay, no idea which faction it's from, but looks like a New Anglian commander. I figure it looks like any tank commander so I used it.
Following up the recce team are some infantry and a light tank to exploit any gaps in the enemy's defences or to hold a position while they wait for support to move up. I went overboard and did OSL on the visors too. Silly me...

Following up the recce team are some infantry and a light tank to exploit any gaps in the enemy's defences or to hold a position while they wait for support to move up. I went overboard and did OSL on the visors too. Silly me...
Thursday, 8 May 2014
The very first of my 15mm Sci-fi units -
The UNSC have employed these heavy scouts to provide up to date situational reports with the capacity for light interdiction. I have also begun writing my own Sci fi rules which I hope to provide here at a later date.
These fellas were purchased from The Scene and were converted a little to fit more with my regular troops purchased from GZG.
The crews were original modified by the seller from orcs! I modified these further from the post-apocalyptic look to make the heads into visored helmets and remove any spikes from the armour.
The bikes each have four linked plasma cannons and the walker carries four auto-cannons. As you can see the legs don't really work as concepts, there are hydraulics where they wouldn't work and the top parts of the legs are mismatched. Despite this I still like the finished model, although I will find some armoured glass to protect the pilot in the future.
Picked these up from GZG back in September. I wanted to come up with a colour scheme that would fit with most environments so i went with grey. Seems a little boring, I could've let my imagination run. As for basing, well, who knows where these guys will end up, so I just did some rocky desert scrub type terrain. There are stacks more UNSC kit that GZG do and I'll explore that in the future. Anyway, four platoons of between 9 and 12 men. One heavy weapons platoon, one recce platoon, and two rifle platoons.
Each rifle platoon consists of four men with auto-rifles, two men with heavy auto-rifles, a mini missile launcher and a sniper with auto-rifle and multi-mode sights.
The recce platoon has four men with auto-rifles ( one with the multi-mode sights), two men with heavy auto-rifles, one man with a mini-missile launcher and a ATGM missile launcher. Finally the commander works with a local liaison trooper, someone who knows the area, people and culture. In this case the liaison's armed with an old machine gun, basic but reliable.
Lastly, is the heavy weapons team. This incorporates the heavy weapons for the company and the overall company commander.
These heavy plasma cannons are clearly too large to be carried about by the troopers, so I shall be buying them some 'Mule' transports in the future. The platoon has three men with auto-rifles, two men with heavy auto-rifles, one man with a mini-missile launcher and the two plasma-cannon teams.
New Anglian motor pool
One of the usual suspects for UNSC ops the New Anglians are a mid tech force, fond of beer and sugary snacks. I picked up some seated troops from GZG to crew my vehicles and liked the clean sculpts and separate bone domes. I've got six left to use as helo crew for a future project.
First priority was to issue them with a run-about so they can go explore 'Indian country' and find the local nightclubs, take-aways and brothels, not necesaarialy in that order. You never know how the local population will take to the armed tourists, so they have this converted ex-civilian speeder and a techie driver.
Bribe the techie and he'll find an excuse to take the speeder out on a test run with you and your mates as an escort. If you bribe him enough he might even come and collect you when you find yourself skint and friendless in a rough neighbourhood
One of the most fun missions is taking out the X-country trikes out for a spin. Not so fun if you run into trouble as they are unarmed. The New Anglians use these for running around on base, on range and in the field for courier and light recce duties. They do look a bit like mobility scooters tho'!
This is the cargo hoversled, old and beaten, unloved but still performing faithfully, not fast, not beautiful, but very functional; great for shifting stores around base and doing odd jobs behind the battle lines. There were more in the unit but games of drunken dodgems took their toll.
First priority was to issue them with a run-about so they can go explore 'Indian country' and find the local nightclubs, take-aways and brothels, not necesaarialy in that order. You never know how the local population will take to the armed tourists, so they have this converted ex-civilian speeder and a techie driver.
Bribe the techie and he'll find an excuse to take the speeder out on a test run with you and your mates as an escort. If you bribe him enough he might even come and collect you when you find yourself skint and friendless in a rough neighbourhood
One of the most fun missions is taking out the X-country trikes out for a spin. Not so fun if you run into trouble as they are unarmed. The New Anglians use these for running around on base, on range and in the field for courier and light recce duties. They do look a bit like mobility scooters tho'!
Geo-Survey Team
My first foray in to the civilian components of my gaming forces are these survey specialists in environmental suits. Again, these are from GZG and turned up in the post within 24 hours of ordering them - awesome!
My two survey teams each consist of four people, equipped with various environmental scanners and samplers for bio-genetic, atmospheric and geological material prior to first contact. As they are civilian and are thus vulnerable to attack, the UNSC keeps a close eye on them. Whilst baby-sitting is not the UNSCs favourite mission, the survey teams are often used to gather data, prior to a landing, which is used to plan the military intervention force's needs. Each of the specialists is equipped with a pistol for self defence. They also have sonic drills which can be misused for defence as well as a sturdy survey vehicle with terrain mapping radar and passive signal detection.
My two survey teams each consist of four people, equipped with various environmental scanners and samplers for bio-genetic, atmospheric and geological material prior to first contact. As they are civilian and are thus vulnerable to attack, the UNSC keeps a close eye on them. Whilst baby-sitting is not the UNSCs favourite mission, the survey teams are often used to gather data, prior to a landing, which is used to plan the military intervention force's needs. Each of the specialists is equipped with a pistol for self defence. They also have sonic drills which can be misused for defence as well as a sturdy survey vehicle with terrain mapping radar and passive signal detection.
The eight specialists are ready and the survey vehicle is next on the list to be painted. More soon.
Here she is, the old faithful Tracked Survey Vehicle carrying the very best in geo-survey equipment, a full comms suite plus ground surveillance radar and radiation detection. Virtually home to a team of survey specialists, it doesn't smell great after a week in the field, but the data it brings back is often invaluable.
First of my alien races are the Geiger-esque 15mm figures from QRF. These terrifying predators have a bit of a disadvantage on the tabletop as they have no distance weapons relying solely on close combat. Maybe I'll have to use them as a sort of wandering monster / random ambush troops.
Two adult guards, fast strong and experienced warriors, and a juvenile guard learning the ropes from his more experienced brothers.
Below, the latest crop of warriors, not so experienced but fast, agile and aggressive. Prone to mistakes and impetuousity but a hard target to hit on the move.
Below, the latest crop of warriors, not so experienced but fast, agile and aggressive. Prone to mistakes and impetuousity but a hard target to hit on the move.
Warriors of Anubis
Relentless and ruthless enslavers, equipped with short range blast weapons, these humanoids prefer to take prisoners to serve the master but will kills without remorse if necessary. Well armoured against most hand weapons they prefer close combat where their strength and martial prowess are decisive.
These unfortunates are the product of a callous judicial system that offers death row prisoners a chance to 'live'. For a full pardon the brain is augmented with bio-mech implants. These do nothing to improve the poor fellows' attitude, leaving the system with psychotic drones that can never return to their homes, doomed to slay their way across nameless space rocks until fortunate enough to die. Lacking any initiative or real cohesion they have a mostly humanoid commander dedicated to making sure that the system is served and that the drones are never a threat to their society again. Wonder what would happen if they found their way back? Hmmm...
Ambush Predators!
It's not going to be a great day if you run into a nest of these mo-fo's. Cunning, fast and almost impossible to spot when hiding, these ambush predators want only one thing - to get you pregnant. If you're not up for that then you're lunch. Buckle up soldier!
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
More figure painted up - aliens and some vehicles.
Here's a selection of pics of my latest units painted up.
My Tracked Explorer to go with my survey team, dirty and weather beaten but with a full GSR and signal detection suite, on board lab and top of the range games station.
Supply sled, hover tech cargo carrier. Usual seen rusting in the corner of the tech stores covered in parts, but comes in handy for moving kit around behind the FEBA. Completely unarmed, so has an escort to protect supplies or wounded personnel.
Cybernetics gone wrong, these humanoids have all the weaknesses of a biological body and all the limitations of a hybrid bio-robotic brain. Dumb as rocks and lacking in empathy these former criminals are 're-purposed' by their society. Offered service instead of death, they have nothing to lose.
It's not going to be a great day if you run into a nest of these mo-fo's. Cunning, fast and almost impossible to spot when hiding, these ambush predators want only one thing - to get you pregnant. If you're not up for that then you're lunch. Buckle up soldier!
Thanks for looking
My Tracked Explorer to go with my survey team, dirty and weather beaten but with a full GSR and signal detection suite, on board lab and top of the range games station.
A liberated speeder chopped and armed by New Anglian troops for recce. Not great in rough terrain but fast across flat, open country. First hint of trouble its out of there. Mainly used as an armed hack by troops on shore leave when the local hospitality is unpredictable.
New Anglian recce team, fast unarmed trikes, great in rough going or for popping down town to pick up the squad takeaway on a Friday night
Supply sled, hover tech cargo carrier. Usual seen rusting in the corner of the tech stores covered in parts, but comes in handy for moving kit around behind the FEBA. Completely unarmed, so has an escort to protect supplies or wounded personnel.
Metal Dogs, look strangely similar to the jackal headed dudes from SG. Short range blast staves are a bit of a liability but these guys are resolute and rarely back down without a scrap. No one knows where they came from but found here and there subject populations to slavery. These guys wander around barefoot so they must be hard as nails.
It's not going to be a great day if you run into a nest of these mo-fo's. Cunning, fast and almost impossible to spot when hiding, these ambush predators want only one thing - to get you pregnant. If you're not up for that then you're lunch. Buckle up soldier!
Thanks for looking
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