I picked up a box of these cheap plastic mechs from a local hobby shop. I fiddled around trying to work out which arms were a good fit for which body and put them back in the box. Some time later I bought some GZG prawns and some mechs off ebay. I didn't look too closely at the figures on ebay but I was slightly disappointed to find they were the same cheap ones I had already bought. So now I have two boxes worth and decided, that to cut my losses, I'd have to at least play with them.
My concern is that they will easily overpower anything else I have to fight them with so unless I'm prepared to finish a long stalled Japanese mecha, these guys are going to rule the battlefield.
Considering the combat and fire strengths of these guys, together with the multiple weapon systems, sensors and what-not, I suspect they will be fairly expensive to field.
I think I ought to try using a proper background for my future photos as the figures get lost in the crap of the background! I'll have to tidy the work space and see if I can make room for the light box.